At our bootcamps we focus on exercises that will help us to negotiate obstacles both in our daily life and during an obstacle race. We also ensure that we focus on the four area's that are crucial for obstacle racing:
Obstacle Racing is renowned for the carmarderie and the friendly nature of the participants. Everyone helps eachother, everyone works together to help eachother overcome obstacles. Our bootcamp is no different. We encourage our members to work with eachother and help eachother improve.
You will feel a massive welcome at Obstafit bootcamp. It's a great opportunity to make some lifelong friends. No-one judges and everyone is welcome regardless of fitness level!
Our Bootcamp is a fun workout using everyday objects such as tyres, kegs, ropes, sandbags and more. We've also got our own portable 6ft wall plus access to monkey bars.
All our workouts are designed to be challenging but also fun.
With our signature floodlights we can also happily train in the winter rain or shine #wetrainintherain :D
Our Monthly Membership Package known as VIP starts at £20 for the basic package.
Press the button below to send us an email and we will contact you with more information:
Book a Pay & Go Bootcamp Session